Wednesday, January 21, 2009
ANOTHER 28 weeks and a trip to hospital
Today's blog should have been 29 weeks, but after seeing th OB this morning, we've decided to take the countdown back a week. Here's why: April 16th was, in fact, my original due date (based on when I got pregnant.) We got the April 9th date during our 12 week scan, when the sonographer dude measured Louey as being 13 weeks. Of course, no pregnant woman in history would knock back losing a week of her total pregnancy. So I GLADLY thanked him and bumped my due date up a week. But in effect, Louey has always measured with the original dates. Today, the OB said Louey was 28 weeks, and his head and leg measurements were right on target. So I've decided that it would be better to go back to the original dates (of April 16th.) Keeping the earlier date means I would probably "go late" and no one wants that. "Haven't you delievered yet?" and "You still pregnant?!" will not be spoken come April. Also, Ashton came right on the OB's due date, but 3 days after mine.
Sunday night, I learned the hard way that pregnancy and the hot summer sun are not a good combo. Sunday was another hot, beautiful day, so we decided to take Bob's boat out for the day. We spent hours out, played on the beach, cruised the lakes, and the boys fished. Fast forward to bed time and I hit the hay early, complaining of a headache. Around 1:30am, I woke up with the worst pain in my stomach (not bump related) and had to wake Dan to get me some water and indigestion tablets. Neither helped. As the pain got worse, Dan got out of bed, telling me to get dressed, he was going to take me to the hospital. I thought I'd head to the kitchen for a drink when I felt sick and thought I might throw up. Instead, I crashed into the wall, falling over. I heard Dan yell "Did you just fall over?" And I remember answering "yes." But that was it. Next thing I know, Dan's shaking me awake, lying on the floor. I thought I was in bed!! I could hear him calling 000 (our 911) and telling them his pregnant wife had collapsed. Scary stuff. I got dragged off to the hospital and checked out. Baby Louey was checked too and both of us turned out to be okay. For me, it was more terrifying, returning to the maternity ward, since I haven't been back there since Gabe died. But we all survived the visit.
Doctor's diagnosis was: severe dehydration. And today, the OB told me I normally have really low blood pressure and he's not surprised I fainted. I've been formally warned to be careful during these hot days.
In other baby seems Baby Louey does NOT understand the laws of gravity and is sitting upright. I.E.- he should be upside down, head down. But no....not my child. All the movement and kicks I thought I felt, are actually his arms. And while I thought I was poking him in the bum...turns out to be is head. Good going mum! He's got 8 weeks to turn around or he'll be in BIG TROUBLE!!!!!!!!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Photo collage

The photo dates (from left side) are 18 wks, 20 wks, 26 wks and 28 wks. And even though it may look like it, I have not grown taller over the past two months. I'm just edited to look that way. Also, I WAS pregnant for weeks 24 and 26, but they occured over the Christmas holidays and I guess baby brain got the better of me and I forgot to get my fortnightly bump shot.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Week 28...hide-n-seek bump
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
You are now about to enter...THE 3RD TRIMESTER
Baby Louey is growing and grooving and there is never a doubt in my mind that he is healthy and on the right path. The midwife saw me quickly, 2 days before Christmas, for a reassurance check on the baby. We also just attended our monthly midwife clinic appointment where all went well. She's very happy with my size and the baby's heartbeat is good and strong. (Although, he apparently didn't want to be disturbed, as he kept kicking the probe on my tummy and we couldn't get a good reading.) Was quite funny actually. The next pre-natal step is the dreaded glucose test, and all you mums out there will sympathize. Gross, huh?
We survived the "silly season," although, of course, Christmas was a little hard. It was weird to think that next Christmas, we should have a little baby crawling around. (It was also weird to stomach the fact that there should have already been a baby crawling around.) But we made it through. Danny and his parents got me a lovely Pandora bracelet, with an initial and birthstone charm for all three of my boys, plus April's birthstone for when Louey arrives. (Only hope he doesn't come too early!!) I also realized that I have been pregnant at Christmas/NYE, four of the past eight years. Which is two-fold. #1 means I can't drink and am Dan's personal driver. And #2 that I can eat whatever and however much I want, without feeling guilty or getting fat (getting bigger anyways...mine as well enjoy myself!)
Post New Years, Dan and I were off to a wedding. Which meant finding something to wear and something that FIT!!! Not an easy task. But we did a little shopping and I found a beautiful dress (that I will never wear again...good buy) and I think Dan and I scrubbed up okay. Of course, once again, the pregnant lady had to sit out the drinking (and the wedding was at a FLIPPIN' WINERY!!!!!!) but at least I didn't feel like a pig sampling every finger-food that came past our table. In fact, those who were hungry came and sat with me, knowing the wait-staff would serve the pregnant lady first. Amen baby.

Someone told me the other day that Safeway (local supermarket) has got their hot cross buns out for sale. "I can't believe the stores are getting ready for Easter already!" people are saying. But we're totally okay with that. With Louey due at Easter, it'll be comforting and exciting to see Easter stuff start to fill the shops. A countdown to the white bunny is, in effect, a countdown to our new baby! I say, BRING IT ON!