To all those who sent their love and support last Monday, I hope you know how much that meant to Dan and I. It was comforting to realize that not everyone has forgotten Gabe and that the support we need is STILL out there for when we need it. It was a difficult day to get through, tears came and went. The boys picked out flowers and balloons for the cemetary. We released balloons into the sky, each with a special message written for Gabe (an idea Max had last year) just as we did at his funeral. I think it was a lot less traumatic then we expected it to be. I think Baby Louey has a lot to do with that. It's comforting to know that life does indeed go on, and that we will be happy again.
All is well in the land of bump. Baby Louey is growing great, right on schedule. Aside from the "normal" pregnancy aches and pain, momma is doing well too. I am off to see a physio this week as my midwife has told me I have "pelvic instability." In other words, when I walk, stand, or even move my left leg, great pain follows. It's apparently common, but the only way to solve or "cure" it, is to not be pregnant anymore. I'm working on that...

We have tried (in vain it seems) to start and get ready for this baby's arrival. But aside from being huge and tired, I always seem to hit a snag (and I'm not talking sausages.) We are not any closer to getting the addition built, which is holding up the great "shifting of the bedrooms." The builder says three weeks, which is okay, since we've got 7 left. And as for building while pregnant...we moved into this house 3 days before I had Ashton, so a little reno doesn't scare me! Yesterday, when we lost power for a few hours, I thought it was good time to go through all the baby clothes and sort out the 'keepers.' I knew we had already bought a few new things and wanted to see what had/needed. Well, we need NOTHING!!! and have too much of everything. I've already told a good friend of mine, who's expecting a boy a few weeks after me, that she can have whatever she wants. It's good to share.