The four (and a half) of us went away to the beach during the Melbourne Cup long weekend. For you Yanks reading...the Melbourne Cup is the horse race that "stops the nation." With school and work cancelled, and every shop in town closed, we decided to head up the east coast to spend some time relaxing in the sun. It was a well deserved break and one that did us all well. We returned refreshed and ready to take on the next few weeks.
This week we met with our OB and talked about my progress and how well everything was going. We had a quick peak at Baby Louey, who once again, thought the ultrasound was an audition for Cirque de Sole. He (it) seems to be growing well and putting on the weight that he should be. He's also very active, which, while I'm enjoying it now, I might feel differently once he get bigger and stronger. Daddy Dan is very eager to feel Louey move (as he never got to feel Gabe) but will have to wait a few more weeks.
As you can see in the photos, I am showing (much sooner than I did with any of the boys) but I'm not really that fussed and actually like "looking" pregnant. BUT I do not need any comments regarding my size...as one woman found out the hard way when she told me I "was huge." My reply..."Bite me."
PLEASE NOTE: I use the word "he" but we do not yet know the sex of Baby Louey. We are due to have our anatomy scan in about 3 weeks (end of Novemeber) and will hopefully find out if we're expecting a Lou or Louisa. Of course, at this point, we can only hope and pray for a healthy baby, that's a given. But if we find out, we will share.
Peace, love and belly rugs until next time.
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