Yes, it's been AGES since I've updated my blog and I have a very good reason...I've had the baby. No!!! Just kidding. My computer got sick with a virus and of course it took two attempts and TWO weeks for the computer geeks to fix it. *Sigh* Now, thank goodness, I am back in the land of 21st century living. Amen.
Not much has been going on here. I guess we're in the "wait and see and wait" mode. Yesterday I officially hit full term, a huge relief! That means, technically, the baby can come anytime he wants, and be safe and healthy. We are, by no means ready for a new baby. We have not done much in the way of preparing and I don't know why. I'm not sure if it's practical thinking..."Will it really happen this time?" or laziness. I think I'm leaning more towards laziness. We HAVE, though, set up the bassinet and I've washed the baby clothing, so that if we're caught off guard, we'll have some sort of set up to bring this baby home to. There will be no nursery, but hopefully the extention will start next week, so fingers crossed that all happens smoothly.
Now onto baby OB is very happy with where I'm (we're) at. He said everything looks great and both baby and I are doing well. I was starting to panic about having a LARGE baby, mainly because everybody (and their mother) feels the need to comment on the size of my bump. Now, I've never been a skinny girl, but I am ALL baby. The doc confirmed the baby was average size, but hit me with idea that my stomach muscles are wrecked. Hence the reason my gut sticks out. Great.
Also thought I'd add this photo in. Not too thrilled with showing off my uncovered bump! If you look at the center of my bump, you'd expect to find my belly button. Yet, it's like 3 inches lower then it should be. Guess someone put it in the wrong spot. Silly doctors!
Reading back I don't think I actually ever stated what sex the baby was. Not sure why. Anywho, we are expecting another wonderful boy, to be named Alexander Something Smith. (We decided on the 1st name so quickly, we've forgotten to talk about a middle name. Oops.) Suggestions will be appreciated.
I'll be posting every week from now on as the OB isn't sure I'll make it to 40 weeks. God bless him...
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