The boys had a two week break in the school term and have just started back for one last term. It's a little hard to believe that it's the end of year 2 for Max and Ashton will start grade 1 next year! I began the holiday break with a solo trip to Sydney to visit a friend of mine from college. Yes, another Yank living Down Under. It was great to get away and be "Kara" for the weekend and it was awesome to see Sydney.
When my boys picked me up from the airport, we went to the Royal Melbourne Show. It's like a giant state fair type thing, with food, rides, animals, etc. We go every year and the boys really enjoy the day. We learned that Alex does NOT like animals (he screamed the whole time we were in the petting zoo area) or fireworks. Oops.
Dan is going through withdrawl as he is NOT playing cricket this year. Sniff sniff. He is getting psyched up for double ankle reconstruction surgery next week. After years of playing hockey and cricket, the ligaments in his ankles are wrecked. He ripped the left ankle's ligaments playing cricket last year, and then tore the right side jumping up and down watch the rugby on tv. The surgeon thinks that because he's fit and young, he can handle double one thought if I could handle it!!!!! The poor bastard will be in bed for 2 weeks, casts on for 4-6, moon boots for another 6-8 wks. I'm thinking of sending him back to live with his parents. He's looking forward to being able to walk without pain...and getting sponge baths. Nice.
Pray for him...but pray MORE for me.
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