Saturday, December 19, 2009

Alex's Christening

I'm sure you all are looking at the title of this blog and then glancing at your calendar and asking yourselves..."Is she CRAZY?!?!" Yes, I do admit that planning a Christening two weeks before Christmas may seem insane (and it was) but we didn't want to leave it for too longer and Alex IS 8 months old. (Plus I needed him to fit into the christening gown!)

So we had his christening and then a light lunch afterwards. It was small, but very nice. Alexander, of course, was perfect and just cruised through the few hours at church like it was an every day event (and trust isn't!)

Alex wore the same gown that Max and Ashton wore. It was made from parts of my wedding dress. I wanted to have something that my children could pass down to their children. Dan, like many men I assume, thought that it was cruel to put his son in a dress. But I thought Alex looked beautiful (and a heck of a lot better then the other two boys being christened who's parents put them in matching white bakers outfits, complete with suspenders and these weird hats.)

We were really honored that our wonderful friends Tess and Grantley agreed to be Alex's godparents. We trust that they will shower him with expensive gifts and lollies over the years...just kidding. :) We know that they will help show our little man love and kindness, all that we could ask for in great godparents.

Alex at the "after christening party"

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Trick AND treating

The Aussies don't get Halloween. Every October, people start complaining about "yet another stupid American" thing that's made its way across the ocean. And every year, I roll my eyes, thinking "WHAT'S SO WRONG WITH CHILDREN DRESSING UP AND EATING CANDY?!?!?" I even wrote into the paper to say that Halloween was, in fact, Irish and that it was no longer about witches and evil. It was about make-believe and junk food! Lighten up Australia!

For some reason this year, the Aussies seemed to be embracing All Hallow's Eve a bit more. The firt few years I lived here, October went by without so much as a "boo!" But this year was different. Max was more aware of the holiday and somehow knew about trick-or-treating and dressing up. So we decided to dress up and celebrate Halloween...with other Americans! The American grocery store near Melbourne hosts Halloween every year, but they always do it on a Saturday and Dan usually plays cricket. Since he's injured this year, we planned to head down to Melbourne.

The biggest hurdle was....what to dress up as!? And since we're a group of five, with yours truly being the only woman, I had to do some big time thinking. But then the answer hit me like a candy covered apple...THE WIZARD OF OZ!!

So we hit the craft stores and dusted off the sewing machine to create a Dorothy, Scarecrow and Tinman costume. Funny enough, we already had a lion costume (one my grandmother had sent Max when he was a baby.)

Now, most men usually don't want to dress up and join in. Dan took a LOT of convincing to get into the Halloween spirit with us. The boys did a good job emotionally blackmailing daddy. "But dad!! It won't be the same without you!" And because I'm not THAT mean a wife, we worked Dan's costume so that alone, it wasn't really a costume, but when he was with the rest of us- it worked. With some paint and a sponge, he became the Yellow Brick Road!

The day turned out to be hot (30C!!) but we had fun. We won 1st place in the family division of the costume contest (A: The American had a huge advantage and B: Nothing beats a baby in a costume!!!)

We arrived back home around 7pm to find a few groups of kids trick-or-treating around the area, so we let the boys dress back up and hot a few homes that were participating. It gave us great joy to see them running down the block, all dressed up.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Laughs, chatting and playing tourist

Our little man is nearly 4 months old!!!!!! Can't believe it!! He's full of smiles now and loves to "chat." Some days he goes on and on, and he'll even chat to himself in the mirror. He's becoming more and more interactive, and the bigger boys can't get enough. If I had a nickel for every time I yelled "GET OUT OF HIS FACE!"....

We sadly had to say goodbye to our American relatives. We had a blast and I loved sharing my new little man with them. We played "tourist" with Bob and Beanie for a week, ending out time in Melbourne. Alex had his first trip to the zoo, and although her slept through most of it, it was a great day.

That all said, our guest room is now vacant, so all you out there may start planning your trip out here. :)
Alexander has gone from smiling and little giggles to full blown laughing in a few short weeks. He's very ticklish and has a special spot (on his last rib) that makes him really laugh. It's so cute and Alex laughs so much he tends to end up with the hiccups!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Baby Alex helps celebrate mummy's 30th Birthday

WOAH!!!! This is the second update in July!! I'm getting better!!! :) Lots has been happening lately.

It's sooooo hard to believe that Alex is now three months old. We are now at the point we talk about his age in "months" rather than "weeks." It's crazy. We STILL have to pinch ourselves when we realize that we have this baby. It's pretty cool. The big boys STILL love Alex and will make sure they've each had their turn for cuddles. If Alex is awake at bedtime, they each have to have a cuddle in bed with him.

Alexander is "talking" lots and I swear he sings. If you sing to him, you can see him watching you and trying to mimic back. It's like you can see his brain clicking over. Think-think-think.

He's got this great smile and even his eyes light up when he's happy, which is most of the time.

As for me, I've hit the big 3-0 and of course, we partied in style. On top of having a fantastic party (which was American themed, of course) my Aunt Beanie and Uncle Bob surprised me all the way from the USA!!!!! It was a real treat and was even cooler that they got to meet my new little man.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

MORE photos

Little Boy blue

I KNOW, I KNOW, I KNOW....I guess it's true that you don't "do" as much for your child when it's not your first. And everyone keeps asking me for photos and the days keep flying by. Honestly, I blink and another week is over. It is SO HARD to believe that Alexander is 11 weeks old today!?!?!?!?!

Our "little man," is proving to be a textbook perfect child. He is a wonderful feeder, stacking on the weight. The health nurse says I get a gold star because he is thriving so well. (Makes me feel great!) Daddy's bought BIG AL little shirts that say "I'm a tits man" and "boobies make me smile." Nice.

Alex is changing so much so fast, that many say they don't know who he looks like. He looked like an Olney (and like Max) when he was first born. But then I started to see "ashton" in him, as he grew out of that newborn stage. But now, with his deep blue eyes, we are not sure who he looks like. He has the most beautiful smile and although he doesn't give them away freely, a smirk from our boy is sure to melt anyone's heart.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Not sure why I bother

What I mean is, why do I bother with having a blog. I used to have all the time in the world to log on and update...only I didn't have much to share. There's only so much you can tell others when you're pregnant ("Today I had a nap and lost contact with my ankles.")

Now that I have TONS I want to share with everyone, I seem to never have the time to sit at the computer. (Funny, I know, seeing how I have a newborn, 2 other children, have had renovations going on and still have a household to run.)

Alex turned 6 weeks last saturday...hard to believe. I spent my pregnancy wishing away the weeks, and now I want time to slow down! The baby still seems so new to me. And yet, it feels like he's always been a part of our family. The older boys are totally in love with Alexander. They fight over who gets to hold Alex and they keep track over the amount of "cuddle time" the other person gets. Max can't go off to school without his morning cuddle. It's been lovely how kind and caring the two older boys have been. There is no jealousy and Max still says "I can't believe we have a new baby brother!" even after 6 weeks.

When people ask me if Alex is a good baby, I often reply "I finally got one that's read the manual." And he has. He knows how to feed, how to sleep, how to self settle. (I sometimes feel a bit spoiled and wonder when the ball will drop! Although, a friend of mine says that we "deserve" a good baby." I agree.) Anywho, Alexander has been waking only once during the night, which means Dan and I are getting a really good night's sleep. Amen! I never could really function on no sleep. Of course, that doesn't mean the Danny hasn't resummed his nap-time with the baby (something he's done with each of the boys...he sits on the couch with the baby and they BOTH pass out!)

Alex has started to smile and "talk" and it warms my heart so much. He has the biggest smile and even his eyes light up when he grins at you. I have yet to get it on camera, but here are some recent photos of our little "Allie Boy."

Friday, May 8, 2009

Time Flies...and a Happy Mother's Day at last

WOW!! Where did the past three weeks go?????? I cannot believe that Baby Alex is three weeks old already. How I wish life had a pause button, so we could freeze time, and enjoy our little bundle while he's still little.

The past three weeks has been a bit of a blur. Not for lack of sleep, which I'm sure many would assume. Our earth-angel is a sleeping god and does not deprive of us of too much sleep. I honestly don't know how we've arrived at Mother's Day already. YIKES!! So much has happened in the past 3 weeks and I feel a bit bad that I have not updated my blog as often as I had planned. (Yes, I know...a newborn is a pretty good excuse. But when that newborn spends most of his days sleeping, one begins to wonder how exactly I fill my days....I'm not entirely sure. :)

Danny took two weeks "Carers Leave" off of work. It was lovely to have him home, helping man the Smith Ship. He patiently did the school/kinder runs in the mornings, allowing me to catch up on missed sleep. He, Alexander and I kept busy, shopping and lunching. I cannot stand being housebound and I tend to get cabin fever easily. It was nice to have Dan around to help the baby and I get out once a day. Within these first few weeks, Alex has made trips to Daddy's work, Max's school, and Ashie's kinder to be shown off. He has also had his first trip to Melbourne, with Dad, mum and Ashton. He loves the car and didn't seem to mind being in it for the two hour car ride. We went to Build-a-Bear where Ashton made Baby Alex a special bunny. It was really cute.

On Thursday, I took Alexander to the health centre for a weekly weigh-in with the nurse. They like babies to put on 150 grams a week (sorry, I don't know what that is in ounces.) The nurse re-weighed him THREE times, in disbelief that the scale said what it actually said. Turns out my porker of a baby put on....wait for it...570gr!!! :0 To top it off, she assumed I was either feeding him too often or some other explanation. When I said he feed 4 hourly, and only one side at each feed, her jaw hit the floor. She told me I should be proud that I was producing such rich milk. Dan now calls me "Daisy" in Daisy the dairy cow. Nice.

Many wonderful friends have helped us welcome Alex by stopping by with beautiful presents and well wishes. A HUGE thank you to everyone!!!!

The five of us (BOY! That is so weird to say!) have gone away for the weekend. It is Alex's first overnight trip. It will also be our first Mother's Day together. Sunday will have a completely different vibe than Mother's Day last year. Last year, Dan whisked me away to Tasmania, and I spent Mother's Day far away from my children, but also far away from the pain and hurt of losing Gabe. I didn't want to celebrate. This year, I think Sunday will be different. Alexander has restored my faith and my confidence as a mother. I feel, once again, that I deserve to be celebrated. I am looking forward to a triple cuddle Sunday morning (no doubt SUPER early as there is only a thin wall separating us all.)


Thursday, April 23, 2009


He's HERE!!!!!! :) :) :)

On Saturday, April 18th, at 12:20pm, Danny and I welcomed our newest addition to our family, Alexander Robert Smith.

He may have been late, but he was's his story...

Saturday morning was a lazy one. The boys were watching a movie in the lounge and Dan was watching a movie in bed. I was trying in vain, to catch some more Zs. Dan and I had gone on a date Friday night and had a lovely meal and a relaxing time, just the two of us. Throughout the night, I suffered from irregular contractions, but was not holding my breath or getting excited yet. Who knew how long this kid would hold out for? At around 9:30am, during a contraction, I felt a huge "snap" in my belly. I said to Dan "I think my waters just broke!" But upon sitting up, felt nothing and had no loss. Hmmmm??? I thought...maybe not. Dan, the panic person he is, called the labour ward to ask/tell them what we thought was happening. I talked to the nice midwife about what I was feeling, she confirmed that things might be starting. She then asked "What were your other labours like?" When I replied "19 and 21 hours" she laughed and said that I probably didn't have to rush in. I said we lived 5 minutes down the highway. "Well," she replied "That means your husband can probably make the drive in 3 if he had to." I laughed, but rolled my eyes, thinking, 'I've never delivered on the same day I start labour.' We were probably in for a long day. As soon as I hung up, I had another contraction, this one hurting more and left me with wet pants. It WAS my water breaking! Before I could change my pants, another contraction hit. But it had only been 3 minutes. Dan and I looked at each other...could this REALLY be it? Three minutes later ANOTHER, and this time it hurt! Dan quickly called the hospital back to confirm that this WAS it and that we were coming in straight away. Another quick phone call went out to Dan's mother, Jill, to come and collect the boys. While I stumbled around, trying to pack from my last-minute list, doubling over in pain every 3 minutes, Dan frantically showered, got the boys ready and through everything in the car. Speed limits were broken as we flew down towards the hospital.

By the time we arrived and got settled in at the hospital, in was 10am. We had a good chat with our lovely midwife, discussing birthing plans and pain relief needs. Upon examination, I was 6cm, over halfway there. The next two hours passed in an eye blink. I was checked out, hooked up, and jabbed. The baby was monitored and my vitals taken. Everything was looking good and we were making good progress. As I puffed on the gas for pain relief, I heard a midwife enter and ask Dan if we knew what we were having. "He'll be the 3rd boy born this morning" I heard through the haze. WHAT!?!?! This morning??? Don't you mean tomorrow morning?? I don't labour that well and that quick! But before I knew it, I was pushing (and screaming) and just as I had wished and prayed for, my newly born child was laid on my chest. As I cuddled this warm, gooey, crying bundle, I looked at Dan as if to ask if it was real. Was I REALLY getting my fairtale happy ending? Quick, someone pinch me.

Time seemed to stand still...we had reached the end of a very stressful and long pregnancy. The midwife "borrowed" the baby, long enough to give him the once over and state that he was perfect. Dan held our precious new baby as I was cleaned up. After a wonderful shower, I met our new son properly. As I talked to him, he opened his big blue eyes and stared at me. We were all at peace.

The big boys came to visit and fell in love with their new baby brother. At one point, Ashton asked if we were going to be taking Baby Alex home. When I explained that he was ours to keep forever, Ash turned to him and declared that he was his big brother and he loved him, and that he was coming to our house.

Max, took his big brother role very seriously, even warning off the midwife from hurting him. As she tied the cloth diaper cover on, Max barked "That's my new baby brother, don't tie it too hard or hurt him!" Every time Max cuddles or speaks of Alex, it warms my heart knowing that he'll keep these memories. (I was the same age when my sister was born, and I remember everything.) I love knowing that Max will remember these special times.

I finish this blog entry one-handed. Danny has just brought our miracle bundle of joy in to me. As I hold him typing, he is watching me. I feel great relief and peace, knowing our little family is now complete. All the past sins absolved and our future seems to be growing brighter by the day. And it hasn't even been a full week yet! Alexander's safe arrival has helped heal old wounds.

He is our sunshine after the rain.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Ripped off by the Easter Bunny

Well folks, I type this blog entry, on my official due date...STILL PREGGERS!!!!

I like chocolate as much as the next gal. Even more so when you don't have to worry about how many calories you're inhaling, as you sit on the couch watching The Biggest Loser while shoving eggs in your mouth. HOWEVER...this Easter I was really hoping the Easter Bunny would skip the usual chocolate eggs in return for a new baby.


People have already started asking if I'm still pregnant or if I've had the baby yet. Look peeps, having this baby is NOT something we would keep secret. I mean, we couldn't keep it secret anywho. (Hello??? Would me not looking pregnant anymore and carrying a new baby be a good give-away???) And we are so excited, we will be shouting Baby Alex's arrival from the roof tops. No one needs to panic that we've had the baby and not shared. Besides, as any mother who has not delivered by her due date will tell you, asking does not help.

We now look forward to Thursday, when we see the OB and decide what to do. Hopefully, by this weekend, I will be a whole lot lighter and a WHOLE lot happier.

WATCH THIS SPACE..................

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

It's the "Final countdown!"

I had this song in my head while typing this week's title...but then I had a thought, "Is it an Aussie song, that Americans won't know?" or "Is it an American song?" and even thought... "Is it really even a song at all?!?!"

I know it's only a case of baby brain and I'm hoping to be cured by this time next week. Yes folks, we are on the COUNTDOWN TO BABY!!!!!! My due date is next Tuesday, April 14th. The OB is seeing me on the 16th (if I haven't gone yet) to decided which road to take. So technically, I have no more than one week left. Amen. And I couldn't be happier...or more impatient. I've never really experienced this before (hard to believe, I know. It's baby #4!) But with Max, I had health problems towards the end of my pregnancy that not only led to me being induced a week early, but sort of took my mind off of "due date watching." And with Ash, we moved into our newly built house 3 days before I went into labour with him (on his actually due date.) So once again, I was too distracted to watch the calendar. THIS TIME it's all I can do. The boys are on school holidays for Easter and we are nearly housebound, as my hip hurts too much to do anything. Plus, I'm exhausted. The problem is, of course, that my children are about as active as you get. I.E. they are bored out of their minds!!! Ontop of bored children and an impatient mum-to-be, we are in the middle of building our extention. Great timing, I know. We are having a rumpus room built off the back of the house. It'll be like a kid's play room/spare room/office/junk room. And although I've added it to my list of complaints, it's not really that big of a deal. All the work is being done out back and you can't really hear the one man working.

Once this pregnancy is over, I will be writing a book on what NOT to say to pregnant women as they near the end of their pregnancy. I tell ya, if one more person comments on the fact that I am still pregnant...I might let my hormones take over and unleash some hell. Don't people know that regardless of what they relly think, they are supposed to lie and tell the heavily pregnant woman she looks wonderful?!?!? I might have to make up a t-shirt, saying "Touch it and die." :)

By the way, I have no photo to add. I look the same. If anything, I think I've gotten a little smaller as the baby has settled down. Hopefully, the next photo I add will be of my new little man, in my arms....and hopefully, it'll be SOON!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Week 37: the three week wait

Hi y'all.

Yes, it's been AGES since I've updated my blog and I have a very good reason...I've had the baby. No!!! Just kidding. My computer got sick with a virus and of course it took two attempts and TWO weeks for the computer geeks to fix it. *Sigh* Now, thank goodness, I am back in the land of 21st century living. Amen.

Not much has been going on here. I guess we're in the "wait and see and wait" mode. Yesterday I officially hit full term, a huge relief! That means, technically, the baby can come anytime he wants, and be safe and healthy. We are, by no means ready for a new baby. We have not done much in the way of preparing and I don't know why. I'm not sure if it's practical thinking..."Will it really happen this time?" or laziness. I think I'm leaning more towards laziness. We HAVE, though, set up the bassinet and I've washed the baby clothing, so that if we're caught off guard, we'll have some sort of set up to bring this baby home to. There will be no nursery, but hopefully the extention will start next week, so fingers crossed that all happens smoothly.

Now onto baby OB is very happy with where I'm (we're) at. He said everything looks great and both baby and I are doing well. I was starting to panic about having a LARGE baby, mainly because everybody (and their mother) feels the need to comment on the size of my bump. Now, I've never been a skinny girl, but I am ALL baby. The doc confirmed the baby was average size, but hit me with idea that my stomach muscles are wrecked. Hence the reason my gut sticks out. Great.

Also thought I'd add this photo in. Not too thrilled with showing off my uncovered bump! If you look at the center of my bump, you'd expect to find my belly button. Yet, it's like 3 inches lower then it should be. Guess someone put it in the wrong spot. Silly doctors!

Reading back I don't think I actually ever stated what sex the baby was. Not sure why. Anywho, we are expecting another wonderful boy, to be named Alexander Something Smith. (We decided on the 1st name so quickly, we've forgotten to talk about a middle name. Oops.) Suggestions will be appreciated.

I'll be posting every week from now on as the OB isn't sure I'll make it to 40 weeks. God bless him...