Monday, April 13, 2009

Ripped off by the Easter Bunny

Well folks, I type this blog entry, on my official due date...STILL PREGGERS!!!!

I like chocolate as much as the next gal. Even more so when you don't have to worry about how many calories you're inhaling, as you sit on the couch watching The Biggest Loser while shoving eggs in your mouth. HOWEVER...this Easter I was really hoping the Easter Bunny would skip the usual chocolate eggs in return for a new baby.


People have already started asking if I'm still pregnant or if I've had the baby yet. Look peeps, having this baby is NOT something we would keep secret. I mean, we couldn't keep it secret anywho. (Hello??? Would me not looking pregnant anymore and carrying a new baby be a good give-away???) And we are so excited, we will be shouting Baby Alex's arrival from the roof tops. No one needs to panic that we've had the baby and not shared. Besides, as any mother who has not delivered by her due date will tell you, asking does not help.

We now look forward to Thursday, when we see the OB and decide what to do. Hopefully, by this weekend, I will be a whole lot lighter and a WHOLE lot happier.

WATCH THIS SPACE..................

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