On Saturday, April 18th, at 12:20pm, Danny and I welcomed our newest addition to our family, Alexander Robert Smith.
He may have been late, but he was speedy...here's his story...
Saturday morning was a lazy one. The boys were watching a movie in the lounge and Dan was watching a movie in bed. I was trying in vain, to catch some more Zs. Dan and I had gone on a date Friday night and had a lovely meal and a relaxing time, just the two of us. Throughout the night, I suffered from irregular contractions, but was not holding my breath or getting excited yet. Who knew how long this kid would hold out for? At around 9:30am, during a contraction, I felt a huge "snap" in my belly. I said to Dan "I think my waters just broke!" But upon sitting up, felt nothing and had no loss. Hmmmm??? I thought...maybe not. Dan, the panic person he is, called the labour ward to ask/tell them what we thought was happening. I talked to the nice midwife about what I was feeling, she confirmed that things might be starting. She then asked "What were your other labours like?" When I replied "19 and 21 hours" she laughed and said that I probably didn't have to rush in. I said we lived 5 minutes down the highway. "Well," she replied "That means your husband can probably make the drive in 3 if he had to." I laughed, but rolled my eyes, thinking, 'I've never delivered on the same day I start labour.' We were probably in for a long day. As soon as I hung up, I had another contraction, this one hurting more and left me with wet pants. It WAS my water breaking! Before I could change my pants, another contraction hit. But it had only been 3 minutes. Dan and I looked at each other...could this REALLY be it? Three minutes later ANOTHER, and this time it hurt! Dan quickly called the hospital back to confirm that this WAS it and that we were coming in straight away. Another quick phone call went out to Dan's mother, Jill, to come and collect the boys. While I stumbled around, trying to pack from my last-minute list, doubling over in pain every 3 minutes, Dan frantically showered, got the boys ready and through everything in the car. Speed limits were broken as we flew down towards the hospital.
By the time we arrived and got settled in at the hospital, in was 10am. We had a good chat with our lovely midwife, discussing birthing plans and pain relief needs. Upon examination, I was 6cm, over halfway there. The next two hours passed in an eye blink. I was checked out, hooked up, and jabbed. The baby was monitored and my vitals taken. Everything was looking good and we were making good progress. As I puffed on the gas for pain relief, I heard a midwife enter and ask Dan if we knew what we were having. "He'll be the 3rd boy born this morning" I heard through the haze. WHAT!?!?! This morning??? Don't you mean tomorrow morning?? I don't labour that well and that quick! But before I knew it, I was pushing (and screaming) and just as I had wished and prayed for, my newly born child was laid on my chest. As I cuddled this warm, gooey, crying bundle, I looked at Dan as if to ask if it was real. Was I REALLY getting my fairtale happy ending? Quick, someone pinch me.
Time seemed to stand still...we had reached the end of a very stressful and long pregnancy. The midwife "borrowed" the baby, long enough to give him the once over and state that he was perfect. Dan held our precious new baby as I was cleaned up. After a wonderful shower, I met our new son properly. As I talked to him, he opened his big blue eyes and stared at me. We were all at peace.
The big boys came to visit and fell in love with their new baby brother. At one point, Ashton asked if we were going to be taking Baby Alex home. When I explained that he was ours to keep forever, Ash turned to him and declared that he was his big brother and he loved him, and that he was coming to our house.
Max, took his big brother role very seriously, even warning off the midwife from hurting him. As she tied the cloth diaper cover on, Max barked "That's my new baby brother, don't tie it too hard or hurt him!" Every time Max cuddles or speaks of Alex, it warms my heart knowing that he'll keep these memories. (I was the same age when my sister was born, and I remember everything.) I love knowing that Max will remember these special times.
I finish this blog entry one-handed. Danny has just brought our miracle bundle of joy in to me. As I hold him typing, he is watching me. I feel great relief and peace, knowing our little family is now complete. All the past sins absolved and our future seems to be growing brighter by the day. And it hasn't even been a full week yet! Alexander's safe arrival has helped heal old wounds.
He is our sunshine after the rain.
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