Now that I have TONS I want to share with everyone, I seem to never have the time to sit at the computer. (Funny, I know, seeing how I have a newborn, 2 other children, have had renovations going on and still have a household to run.)
Alex turned 6 weeks last saturday...hard to believe. I spent my pregnancy wishing away the weeks, and now I want time to slow down! The baby still seems so new to me. And yet, it feels like he's always been a part of our family. The older boys are totally in love with Alexander. They fight over who gets to hold Alex and they keep track over the amount of "cuddle time" the other person gets. Max can't go off to school without his morning cuddle. It's been lovely how kind and caring the two older boys have been. There is no jealousy and Max still says "I can't believe we have a new baby brother!" even after 6 weeks.
When people ask me if Alex is a good baby, I often reply "I finally got one that's read the manual." And he has. He knows how to feed, how to sleep, how to self settle. (I sometimes feel a bit spoiled and wonder when the ball will drop! Although, a friend of mine says that we "deserve" a good baby." I agree.) Anywho, Alexander has been waking only once during the night, which means Dan and I are getting a really good night's sleep. Amen! I never could really function on no sleep. Of course, that doesn't mean the Danny hasn't resummed his nap-time with the baby (something he's done with each of the boys...he sits on the couch with the baby and they BOTH pass out!)
Alex has started to smile and "talk" and it warms my heart so much. He has the biggest smile and even his eyes light up when he grins at you. I have yet to get it on camera, but here are some recent photos of our little "Allie Boy."
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