WOW!! Where did the past three weeks go?????? I cannot believe that Baby Alex is three weeks old already. How I wish life had a pause button, so we could freeze time, and enjoy our little bundle while he's still little.
The past three weeks has been a bit of a blur. Not for lack of sleep, which I'm sure many would assume. Our earth-angel is a sleeping god and does not deprive of us of too much sleep. I honestly don't know how we've arrived at Mother's Day already. YIKES!! So much has happened in the past 3 weeks and I feel a bit bad that I have not updated my blog as often as I had planned. (Yes, I know...a newborn is a pretty good excuse. But when that newborn spends most of his days sleeping, one begins to wonder how exactly I fill my days....I'm not entirely sure. :)

Danny took two weeks "Carers Leave" off of work. It was lovely to have him home, helping man the Smith Ship. He patiently did the school/kinder runs in the mornings, allowing me to catch up on missed sleep. He, Alexander and I kept busy, shopping and lunching. I cannot stand being housebound and I tend to get cabin fever easily. It was nice to have Dan around to help the baby and I get out once a day. Within these first few weeks, Alex has made trips to Daddy's work, Max's school, and Ashie's kinder to be shown off. He has also had his first trip to Melbourne, with Dad, mum and Ashton. He loves the car and didn't seem to mind being in it for the two hour car ride. We went to Build-a-Bear where Ashton made Baby Alex a special bunny. It was really cute.

On Thursday, I took Alexander to the health centre for a weekly weigh-in with the nurse. They like babies to put on 150 grams a week (sorry, I don't know what that is in ounces.) The nurse re-weighed him THREE times, in disbelief that the scale said what it actually said. Turns out my porker of a baby put on....wait for it...570gr!!! :0 To top it off, she assumed I was either feeding him too often or some other explanation. When I said he feed 4 hourly, and only one side at each feed, her jaw hit the floor. She told me I should be proud that I was producing such rich milk. Dan now calls me "Daisy"...as in Daisy the dairy cow. Nice.

Many wonderful friends have helped us welcome Alex by stopping by with beautiful presents and well wishes. A HUGE thank you to everyone!!!!
The five of us (BOY! That is so weird to say!) have gone away for the weekend. It is Alex's first overnight trip. It will also be our first Mother's Day together. Sunday will have a completely different vibe than Mother's Day last year. Last year, Dan whisked me away to Tasmania, and I spent Mother's Day far away from my children, but also far away from the pain and hurt of losing Gabe. I didn't want to celebrate. This year, I think Sunday will be different. Alexander has restored my faith and my confidence as a mother. I feel, once again, that I deserve to be celebrated. I am looking forward to a triple cuddle Sunday morning (no doubt SUPER early as there is only a thin wall separating us all.)

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